Planning and Engineering
Planning a sustainable future
Reliable information—information that includes authoritative data, a real-world network model, and real-time updates about system changes—is essential to building a sustainable future. Understanding this information and planning for the future require collaboration across departments. Intelli's solution is a modern GIS that provides rich analytics that deliver greater understanding and improve decision-making.

Real-world modeling
Intelli captures the real-world characteristics of entire systems—from production to customer. The advanced capabilities of Utility Network support project planning and management with simplicity, efficiency, and intelligence.

Visualization and analytics
Leading utilities use data science and location intelligence to discover insights and optimize design. In Intelli, state-of-the-art visualization brings these ideas to life while sophisticated data management and powerful analytics make them real.

Coordination and collaboration begin with a mobile-friendly technology platform. Intelli makes it easy to distribute information, map displays, and even 3D representations on any device. Intelli puts the right information in the right hands at the right time.
Mapping and Analytics for Lead and Copper Rule Compliance
Planning for lead service line replacement
Our Customers Lead and Copper Rule revisions include requirements that water utilities identify sources of lead, establish a trigger level for mitigation, test for lead in schools and childcare facilities, identify and make public the location of lead service lines, and plan complete lead service line replacement.
Intelli can help water systems staff meet these requirements using analytics, mapping, mobile apps, dashboards, and more. Quickly get started identifying where lead is in your system, validate lead material from the field, and share this information with stakeholders. Intelli's solution provides a jump start to compliance.

Build a lead service line inventory
Bring disparate data sources, such as property information, meter data, and work orders, together in Intelli. Analyze this data to make initial material predictions and identify likely locations of lead service lines. Verify data in the field and share information with stakeholders via mobile apps and web maps.

Monitor lead service line replacement
Track which lead service lines have been replaced, which service lines have yet to be replaced, and a host of other valuable information within configurable dashboards. Communicate directly and coordinate work with project managers, inspectors, and key stakeholders in real time. Set goals and easily monitor progress.

Inform the public
Share real-time lead service line data with the public in easy-to-understand maps. Web applications and dashboards that are updated in real time allow utility staff to share the progress they are making with the public. By including this information on utility websites, residents can access it whenever they need it.